Yaesu System Fusion Digital to be Installed on 146.955

Another mode option is coming to the 146.955, K1PBO repeater.  Yeasue's  "System Fusion" digital C4FM will be an option around late March if it ships as expected. 

This system will allow analog and digital (one at a time) to coexist  on the same pair.  So users with digital capability can utilize it and anayone without can use analog the analog operation will remain the same, and the digital does add some neat features.

More info will be released once the equipment comes in. Until them have a look online, manay people have posted about the platform. 


This is not D-STAR, P25 or DMR.  System Fusion is a Yaesu only protocol, so it will only work with a Yaesu radio.  BARC has interest in DMR, but would be a 100% digital system and thus require a new site...