
The W1MA Repeater 146.955, - shift, CTCSS of 88.5
Conventional FM

The Barnstable Amateur Radio Club maintains the W1MA 2-meter repeater. All licensed amateurs are invited to use it.

  • Controller Type: Arcom RC210
  • Radio: Kenwood TKR-750 V2
  • External PA: Henery 100W out with 25W Drive
  • Duplexer: Wacom WP-641 BpBr
  • Bandpass Filters: AngleLinear
  • Feedline: Andrews, 7/8" Heliax
  • Antenna: Telewave ANT150D6-9, 4 bay folded dipole array Antenna Gain: 9 dB
  • Site Elevation: 186'
  • Antenna Height on Tower: 70'
  • Antenna Height above ground: 78'
  • Battery Back-Up: Yes, 1,500Ah (just under one Ton of battery!)


Our repeater gets excellent coverage and is the mid / lower Cape's primary repeater. It is also a RACES-affiliated repeater and is used for emergency traffic and Cape ARES operations. Mobiles should have coverage cape wide and the South shore of MA and all of Nantucket Island.  Portables 





  • Echo Link:
    You may use the repeater via Echo Link on node 750250 W1MA-R. This is a remote link to our main site. Managed by K1GTG
    Note: To enter Echo Link DTMF commands you must start them with a "#".  If you do not the controller will block them.
  • Allstar:
    Node is 439394, managed by K1ST
  • Hamshack Hotline:
    Extension  94192, managed by K1ST
    It's *99 to transmit and # to switch back to receive.
  • DMR Bridge:
    On the BrandMiester network talk-group, 3130258 will link back to this repeater (Analog) (not always up, still working out some audio and timing bugs)


Audio Recording:
We record and time-stamp all repeater audio. So if you have a problem with interference or unauthorized/improper use please make a note of the date and time. If you have a problem being recorded, don't use the repeater.

Battery Operation (loss of utility power):
Our system is a "loaded battery" system and is on battery 100% of the time. When we have utility power, the charger just supplies power as it is used. Upon loss of utility power, the courtesy tone is changed from one short beep two one short beep followed by two short low-frequency beeps. The controller will announce "Repeater on Battery Power" when the power is lost and every 30 minutes after that. 
Have a look at the battery install!

Time Out Timer:
The time-out timer is set for three minutes. If a user continuously keys the repeater for three minutes, the controller will state "Repeater Time Out" this message will be heard by all users, except the user causing the situation. As soon as the repeater detects a drop in the carrier, the controller will reset and be ready for normal operation again. It is NOT necessary to allow the repeater to drop the carrier, the TOT is reset every time the user un-keys, and the courtesy tone is transmitted.

To access the repeater, you must use a TX tone of 88.5. The repeater also transmits a tone of 88.5 if you wish to set your radio for decoding. We recommend this since several other repeaters use the same pair and you will receive them also.

Use of the Repeater for an Event or Net:
Please contact the club president for information on the use of the repeater for an event or net.

Known Issues:
During the loss of commercial power, users will notice fan noise in the audio.  this is a known problem and we have not yet resolved the problem.

6M Repeaters:

  • 53.01- Tone of 173.8, Barnstable, MA

2M Repeaters:

1.25M Repeaters:

  • 224.340 -1.6 MHz Tone of 100, Harwich MA - W1MA
  • 224.220  Tone of 100 Bourne MA - N1YHS

70cm Repeaters:

  • 444.900+, Tone of 141.3, Fixed in Dennis/PORTABLE - N1ZPO  - Mixed Mode YSF/ANALOG

33cm Repeaters:

  • 927.4125, Tone of 67.0, Plymouth, MA - N1OTY
  • 927.825/902.825 Tone of 67.0, Barnstable, MA - linked 24/7 to the IRLP New England reflector ch 9125 which has other 900 repeaters in eastern MA with 900 Mhz equipment and RI tied in.