W1NP - Silent Key

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Paul Laconto W1NP. Paul has been instrumental in the development and promotion of Ham Radio here on the Cape.  He was responsible for a number of programs at BARC including the Charter School Radio Explorer Post, JOTA and merit badge classes at the Scout Camp. Many of us got help from Paul when an antenna needed to be put up, a special cable needed to be made, or an event needed to be organized.

Harwich Cranbery Festival 2018

BARC was able to set up for the second year at the Harwich Cranberry Arts & Music Festival.

Excellent weather and band condition made for a good weekend.  If you would like to see more photos from the event just head on over to the photo gallery page.


normal operation started Sun. August 19. This is a temporary fix until we get a new antenna.

October and November meeting

The October and November meetings will be at the Dennis senior center. October 1, November 5 

July meeting

 July meeting is July 2 ,at Dennis PD. 7:00 pm

June meeting

The June meeting will be June 4,  7:00 pm  atWest Dennis Graded School House. 67 School Street, West Dennis


While not a BARC member, he was a well known.

FT8 Documentation

Links will open in new browser tab or window:  WSJT-X User Guide   FT8 Operating Tips  JTALertX on-line support  

April meeting

the April meeting will be at the Lighthouse Charter School in Harwich April 2, 7 pm

Feb meeting

The Feb. meeting will be  2/5. At 7 pm at Dennis PD


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Upcoming Events

International Marconi Day

See https://nationaltoday.com/international-marconi-day/#:~:text=An%20inventor's%20holiday%2C%20International%20Marconi,takes%20place%20on%20April%2027.

Dayton Hamvention

Dave Birtwell Walk for Alzheimer's

We provide communication support for a 1-mile walk along the Cape Cod Canal in Bourne.

Walkers are people with Azheimner's and their support perons. 

Field Day

Contact Don KT1OK

Brooks Park Festival - July

Contact: Mark K44LFL

National Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend

Contact Rob K1UI