


Adopted: 11/4/2019

Effective: 1/1/2020

See Club Documents for previous version. 


The Barnstable Amateur Radio Club (the “Club”) is constituted for the benefit of Club members in furtherance of their common interest in amateur radio operations and adopts these Bylaws to govern Club activities.


The Mission of the Club will be:

  1. To further the exchange of information and collaboration among members; promote radio education, collegiality, and individual amateur radio operating skill; and conduct activities that advance amateur radio operations;
  2. To maintain and operate its amateur radio repeaters for use by all licensed amateur radio operators in a manner consistent with 47 CFR Part 97 (Amateur Radio Service);
  3. To render communications assistance to community emergency response systems – including the American Red Cross – for emergency preparedness training, emergency monitoring and response, and other circumstances when amateur radio communications are required or requested;
  4. To provide requested communications services to civic groups to support their activities; and
  5. To increase Club membership so its members may accomplish these Missions.

Nothing in these Bylaws will limit the Club from conducting any other activity for the benefit the Club, its members, the amateur radio community, or the public.


The Club’s fiscal year will coincide with the calendar year and encompass the period January 1 through December 31.


Section 1 – Officers

The Officers of this Club will be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Quartermaster, and Assistant Quartermaster. The same person may serve as Treasurer and Secretary or Treasurer and Quartermaster.

Section 2 – Officer Nominations

At the September general membership meeting, the President will seek and appoint full Club member volunteers to a Nominating Committee that will nominate one candidate for each open Officer position. The Nominating Committee will provide its proposed slate of Officers at the October general membership meeting.

Section 3 – Voting for Officers

Election of new Club Officers will take place at the November general membership business meeting. Candidates may also be nominated from the floor by full Club members at the November general membership business meeting. Election will be by majority vote of members present at the meeting. Because the Board must consist of exactly nine members, election of Officers will occur first, followed by election of Board members to fill the remaining Board positions.

Section 4 – Officer Terms

The Quartermaster and Assistant Quartermaster will serve terms of two staggered fiscal years. When required, the terms for either Quartermaster or Assistant Quartermaster may be altered to ensure their terms are staggered. All other Officers will serve one-year terms coincident with the Club’s fiscal year.

Section 5 – Officer Vacancies 

Officer vacancies that occur between elections may be filled by Board of Directors’ appointments for the remainder of the vacated term. At the President’s discretion, Officer vacancies may also be filled by a majority vote at the first general membership meeting following the official announcement of such vacancy.

Section 6 – Officer Removal

Any Officer may be removed by either a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors when, in its judgment, the best interests of the Club will be served thereby or by a vote of three-fourths of the members present at a general membership meeting.


Section 1 – President

The President will preside at all general membership meetings, enforce these Bylaws, decide all questions of order, and sign all documents adopted by the Club. The President will represent the Secretary and/or the Treasurer if either is absent at a general membership meeting. The President will preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. The President will be an ex officio member of all Club committees. At the end of the President’s term, the President will turn over Club records to his or her successor.

Section 2 – Vice President

The Vice-President will assume the duties of the President in his or her absence, arrange meeting locations for general membership and Board of Director meetings, and arrange for educational presentations at every general membership meeting. At the end of the Vice President’s term, the Vice President will turn over Club records to his or her successor.

Section 3 – Secretary

The Secretary will maintain the Bylaws and have the Bylaws available at all meetings. The Secretary will record minutes of all general membership meetings and post them to the Club website no later than one week after each meeting. At the end of the Secretary’s term, the Secretary will turn over Club records to his or her successor.

Section 4 – Treasurer

  1. The Treasurer will receive and receipt for all monies paid to the Club, keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended, and pay Club bills that have been authorized in accordance with these Bylaws. At the end of each fiscal year, the Treasurer will submit an itemized income statement and balance sheet to the Board of Directors.
  2. The Treasurer will submit a proposed budget of revenues and expenses for the following fiscal year to the Board of Directors at least 30 days prior to the annual general membership business meeting. The Treasurer will thereafter present the budget for a vote at the annual general membership business meeting. Passage of the budget by simple majority vote at the annual general membership business meeting in November will constitute the Club’s spending authority for the following fiscal year. The Club may also vote to expend additional funds by a majority voice vote at a general membership meeting.
  3. The Treasurer will process new requests for membership and maintain an accurate member roster, including the online roster on the Club web site.
  4. At the end of the Treasurer’s term, the Treasurer will turn over Club records to his or her successor.
  5. An ad hoc Financial Audit Committee will perform an audit of Club finances every two years on alternate years from the Property Audit Committee. The Financial Audit Committee will be composed of three volunteer full Club members who are appointed by the Officers and announced at the annual general membership business meeting in November.

Section 5 – Quartermaster

  1. The Quartermaster will maintain an accurate inventory of all Club property including any that is permanently installed at a repeater site. The Quartermaster will publish the inventory on the Club website. The Quartermaster and Assistant Quartermaster will be the only persons who may access, collect, and distribute Club property. The Quartermaster will report any damaged, missing, or unreturned equipment to the Board of Directors via the President. At the end of the Quartermaster’s term, the Quartermaster will turn over all Club records to his or her successor.
  2. An ad hoc Property Audit Committee will perform an audit of Club property every two years on alternate years from the Financial Audit Committee. The Property Audit Committee will be composed of three volunteer full members who are appointed by the Officers and announced at the annual general membership business meeting in November.

Section 6 – Assistant Quartermaster

The Assistant Quartermaster will report to the Quartermaster and is charged with the same duties and responsibilities as the Quartermaster.


Section 1 – Membership

The Board of Directors will consist of nine full Club members as follows: Club President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Quartermaster, Assistant Quartermaster, Repeater Trustee, immediate past President, and as many other members as required to total nine members.

Section 2 – Term of Office for Board Members

The Quartermaster and Assistant Quartermaster will serve terms of two staggered fiscal years. All other Officers and non-Officer Directors will serve during the single fiscal year of their election.

Section 3 ­– Chair of the Board

The President of the Club will serve as Chair of the Board. The President, or the Vice President in the President’s absence, will preside at all meetings of the Board. The Chair may appoint standing or ad hoc committees necessary to conduct the business of the Club. 

Section 4 – Duties of the Board

The Board will oversee all Club business, including operation and maintenance of Club repeaters.

Section 5 – Board Meeting Quorum

A quorum is present when at least four Directors attend the meeting in person, by telephone, by voice-over-internet protocol, or by amateur radio communication.

Section 6 – Urgent Action in Lieu of Meetings

Any urgent action required or permitted to be taken by the Board may be taken without a meeting if two-thirds of all members of the Board consent in writing to such action. The President will be responsible for ensuring all Directors are adequately informed of the matter involved, manage communications among Directors, and archive all materials pertaining to the matter at issue. The President will report the Board’s action to the membership by email and at the next general membership meeting.

Section 7 – Nominations for Non-Officer Director Positions

  1. At the September general membership meeting, the President will seek and appoint full Club member volunteers to a Nominating Committee that will nominate one candidate for each Board member position. The Nominating Committee will provide its proposed slate of Board members at the October general membership meeting.
  2. Election of new Board members will take place at the November general membership business meeting. Candidates may also be nominated from the floor by full Club members at the November general membership business meeting. Election will be by majority vote of members present at the meeting. Because the Board must consist of exactly nine members, election of Officers will occur first, followed by election of Board members to fill the remaining Board positions.

Section 8 – Board of Director Vacancies

Board vacancies that occur between elections will be filled by a majority vote at the first general membership meeting following the official announcement of such vacancy.

Section 9 – Removal of Board Members 

Any Board member may be removed by either a two-thirds vote of Board members when, in the Board’s judgment, the best interests of the Club would be served thereby or, at the discretion of the President, by a vote of three-fourths of the members present at a general membership meeting.

Section 10 – Powers

The Board of Directors will have powers to:

  1. Manage the affairs of the Club that promote its Missions;
  2. Transact Club business between general membership meetings and report its activities at general membership meetings;
  3. Audit the Club’s accounts held by the Treasurer; and
  4. Audit the Quartermaster's inventory and other records.


Section 1 – Eligibility

All licensed amateur radio operators will be eligible for full membership. Unlicensed persons who are interested in amateur radio may become Associate members.

Section 2 – Application Procedure

Membership will be by written or electronic application and approval of either a majority of the Board or a majority of attendees at a general membership meeting.

Section 3 – Classes of Club Membership

Three classes of membership are available:

1.   Full Members. Licensed amateur radio operators who have paid their designated dues will be full members and will enjoy voting privileges. (New hams and licensed students pay the full member dues, less any applicable Student or New Ham discounts.)

2.   Associate Members. Unlicensed persons who are interested in amateur radio may become Associate members by paying the full member dues. Associate members will not have voting privileges and may not serve as Officers or Board members.

3. Honorary Members. Honorary membership may be bestowed upon an individual or organization that the Club wishes to recognize for contributions to the Club and the amateur radio community. Honorary members may be selected by the Board of Directors or a majority vote of the voting members attending a general membership meeting. Honorary members are not voting members unless they are also full members. Honorary members are exempt from paying dues.

Section 4 – Membership Meetings 

Monthly general membership meetings may be held at times that are announced 30 days in advance of the meetings. The November general membership meeting will serve as the annual general membership business meeting. Special meetings may be called by the Board of Directors upon ten days’ notice (via the Club website and email) to the general membership. Robert’s Rules of Order will be used as a guide for conducting meetings.

Section 5 – Membership Meeting Quorum

A quorum is present at general membership meetings when at least ten eligible voting members and two Officers attend the meeting.


Section 1 – Levy of Dues

The Club may levy upon the general membership such dues or assessments as deemed necessary to transact Club business. Such levy will be decided by majority vote at an annual general membership business meeting. The dues period will be one year.

Section 2 – Family Member Dues Discount 

Immediate family members of Club members may receive a discounted dues rate. Immediate family members include only parents; grandparents; spouses; natural, adopted, and step children; and grandchildren of full members.

Section 3 – Student Member Dues Discount

Licensed amateur radio operators who are students may receive a discounted dues rate.

Section 4 – New Ham Dues Discount

Licensed amateur radio operators who received their first amateur radio license within the previous twelve months may receive a discounted dues rate.

Section 5 – Other Dues Discounts

Other dues discounts may be proposed and voted during any general membership meeting.

Section 6 – Non-Payment of Dues

  1. Dues payment is required for membership. Voting privileges will be suspended for full members who do not pay dues for a period of thirty days after the due date of such dues.
  2. At the discretion of the Board, non-payment of dues for a period of thirty days after the due date of such dues may be cause for losing membership privileges. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, loss of privileges may include membership suspension (removal of the delinquent member’s name from the Club roster) or revocation (complete removal of the delinquent member from Club membership). In either case, the delinquent member will have the opportunity to have his or her membership reinstated by paying all delinquent dues. At least thirty days before a meeting of the Board when a vote on a member’s delinquency is anticipated, the delinquent member will be given written notice, by letter or email, of the delinquency. The notice will further state that the Board intends to take administrative action and that the delinquent member may appear before the meeting of the Board when a vote on the member’s delinquency is anticipated.


The following standing committees will serve the Club as described. In addition, other ad hoc committees may be formed by the Board to timely address any other issues within the Club’s Mission.

Section 1 – Repeater Committee

The Repeater Committee will be chaired by the Repeater Trustee. All other members will be selected by the Repeater Trustee. The Committee will be responsible for proper installation, maintenance, and operation of Club repeaters. The Committee will report to the Board of Directors and inform the general membership of its activities by email, Club website, and at general membership meetings.

Section 2 – Field Day and Community Outreach Committee

The Field Day Committee will be chaired by a full member elected by the Board of Directors or, at the discretion of the President, by the general membership at a general membership meeting. All other members will be selected by the Committee chair. The Committee will be responsible for planning and executing annual field day activities and coordinating all other community involvement programs. The Committee will report to the Board of Directors and inform the general membership of its activities by email, Club website, and at general membership meetings.

Section 3 – Website and IT Committee

The Website and IT Committee will be chaired by a full member elected by the Board of Directors or, at the discretion of the President, by the general membership at a general membership meeting. All other members will be selected by the Committee chair. The Committee will be responsible for creating and maintaining the Club website. The Committee will report to the Board of Directors and inform the general membership of its activities by email, Club website, and at general membership meetings.

Section 4 – Membership Committee

The Membership Committee will be chaired by a full member elected by the Board of Directors or, at the discretion of the President, by the general membership at a general membership meeting. All other members will be selected by the Committee chair. The Committee will be responsible for maintaining, retaining, and increasing Club membership. The Committee will report to the Board of Directors and inform the general membership of its activities by email, Club website, and at general membership meetings.

Section 5 – Community Events Committee

The Community Events Committee will be chaired by a full member elected by the Board of Directors or, at the discretion of the President, by the general membership at a general membership meeting. All other members will be selected by the Committee chair. The Committee will liaison with community organizations that request Club assistance and research training opportunities, hamfests, swap meets, and other amateur radio activities that might be of interest to Club members. The Committee will report to the Board of Directors and inform the general membership of its activities by email, Club website, and at general membership meetings.


Section 1 – Bylaws Availability

These Bylaws will be available to all members on the Club website.

Section 2 – Bylaws Amendments

Proposals for Bylaw amendments may be raised at any general membership or business meeting, but no more frequently than once per quarter. Such proposals will be submitted to the Board of Directors for review and subsequently forwarded to the membership-at-large at least thirty days prior to the meeting at which a vote is expected on any amendments. Amendments will be approved by a majority vote.

Section 3 – Voting

A quorum must be present at all meetings at which a vote is taken. Unless otherwise specified herein, all general membership meeting votes will be decided by majority voice vote of voting members at the meeting or, if the voice vote is indeterminant, a hand count of the votes of voting members at the meeting.

Section 4 – Expenditures

The Club President and the Treasurer are empowered to expend all monies approved in the annual budget. The President and Treasurer may, without prior specific authorization, expend not more than one hundred dollars for reasonable expenses not included in the annual budget.

Section 5 – Unanticipated Expenses

After June 30, the Board may elect, by simple majority vote at a Board meeting, to expend up to two hundred and fifty dollars from an under-expended budget line item to fund an unanticipated expense. Unanticipated expenses include those that are either not in the budget or are under-funded in the budget. Any fund transfer will be based on the Treasurer’s analysis of the specific unanticipated expense and a forecast of remaining income and expenses for the fiscal year.


In the event of dissolution, the assets of the Club will be used to pay the Club’s outstanding liabilities. Any remainder will be distributed to such other organization or organizations that the Board determines will best accomplish the missions for which this Club was formed.