Beginning this Sunday (March 29, 2020), BARC will operate a weekly net at 7 pm every Sunday. We will use BARC’s K1PBO 2-meter repeater at 146.955, - shift, CTCSS of 88.5.
The net will be open to all BARC members as well as anyone else who wishes to check in.
Why weekly? Because we are in a situation that requires social distancing. Many of our members may not have a ready means to stay in touch with the Club or its members as a group. A weekly net will provide members that social contact.
Why Sundays at 7 pm? This is a convenient time in the net schedule, and we will not be interfering with other established nets.

  1. Net Control will introduce the net and make announcements for the good of the Club.
  2. Net Control will ask for check-ins. Check-ins will also be frequently requested during the net. 
  3. Net Control will rotate through those who have checked in for any comments they wish to make to the group.
  4. Net Control will take requests from anyone to address an issue with the group.
  5. At the conclusion, Net Control will return the repeater to normal amateur use.

Net Control will ask for an occasional long pause to allow members who are using Echolink to connect to the net.
This net is intended to be relatively informal within the framework of a controlled net.
The nets are not meant to be a substitute for our monthly meetings. Therefore, no votes will be taken. Any business that requires immediate action will be timely addressed by the Board of Directors per our Bylaws.
Looking forward to hearing you on Sunday!
73, Don
Don Arthur (K1DCA)
President, Barnstable Amateur Radio Club